I am all over the place nowadays.
Becca is the only one privy to my thoughts and plans and theories and doubts and such since she's the one person I really open up to when we're on the phone for two-three hours every other night or so.
But I thought I should update y'all on what I've been thinking lately.
One, I am contemplating moving to Louisiana at the end of May. Why Louisiana, you wonder? Because I am curious about what is in gumbo, I would love to listen to good ol' Louisiana music, which includes the saxophone, I am interested in picking up a Cajun accent, I want to learn how to cook Cajun food, I want to have a Louisiana Cajun Cowboy call me "shie" or something along those lines, and I want to experience the Lousiana Cajun culture.
Two, I am looking into applying for an FBI position...this is not a joke. I've already emailed the person in charge of the application hiring stuff so I can find out what the physical requirements are, that way I can work on getting in shape this year.
That's my third thing, getting in shape. I've decided to give up red meat (not that hard to do), I've given up sugar and taken on fruit instead, I'm giving up Wendy's, Sonic, Quizno's, and pizza as well as Dr. Pepper and Hot Cheetos. It's not going to be that hard. My goal is to be sporting size 18 jeans by the end of May. I'm pretty close, since I'm still sporting size 20 jeans at the moment.
Most wome don't like talking about their weight and clothes size, and I'm no different. But I want you to join me in my journey to being healthy, so I'm going to share those embarrassing tidbits you never ask a woman so you can rejoice with me as I work on reaching my goal.
I am five feet and six inches tall. That means my ideal weight is somewhere between 150 and 160. Last year, around August of 2007 when I started changing my lifestyle so I could be healthier, I weight 290lbs. That's right, I was ten pounds away from hitting 300lbs, which many won't believe because I don't look that heavy. So I was sporting ten pounds less than double my weight and wearing 2xLarge t-shirts and size 24 jeans. By the end of September 2007 (after two months of healthy living aka no Dr. Pepper, no chocolate, no sugar period, smaller portions, eating more often, no red meat and an INCREASE of vegetables) I was down to 278lbs. So that means I lost 12lbs in two months...I also dropped a pant size, going from size 24 to size 22.
I didn't weight myself again until August 2008, a year after I hit rock bottom when I realized I was dangerously obesse...anyway, I hadn't been working out for the past six months but I was still eating healthy...LOTS of vegetables. So I visited Becca, who had a scale and I weighed myself, expeting myself to have gained weight since I was last weighed (278lbs was my last known weight) but was overjoyed to find that I had actually lost weight....six pounds! So I weighed 272lbs...and then four months later, I discovered that I've dropped another pant size...so I am now sporting size 20 jeans and Large t-shirts.
So my goal is to get down to size 18 jeans by the end of May 2009. As for weight, I don't have a goal, just to drop at least ten more pounds. If I continue dropping at least twenty pounds per year, I may make it to my ideal weight by the time I am thirty...which is my goal.
Let's see if that's the case, shall we?
Age 23 -290 LBS, Size 24
Age 24 -270LBS, Size 22
Age 25 -250LBS, Size 20
Age 26 -230LBS, Size 18
Age 27 -210LBS, Size 16
Age 28 -190LBS, Size 14
Age 29 -170LBS, Size 12
Age 30 -150LBS, Size 10
I was right! So that's lose 20 lbs every year...I am doing well so far since I've lost two shy of 20 pounds between 23 and 24...I still have two months to lose those 2 pounds before I turn 25. So that means by the end of my 25th year, I should be weighing 250 pounds...
Not only that, but I can keep dropping sizes until I get to a size 10...I don't think I've worn a size ten since I was in sixth grade....
I think this will become my new project aka addiction...getting healthy in a healthy way. I will keep you posted but I will not obssess.