So life has been going well so far. I haven't seen much of my close friends here (sorry Krysia and Stephen, I'll try harder next year) but I have been getting along with my parents, although there are the occasional stepfather tantrums I have to deal with (or ignore, which is really what I do).
Work is work although I have now being forced to take my thirty minute break, which means I am no longer getting paid for the eight hour shift but a 7 1/2 hour shift. I have to work tonight, tomorrow night and the night after Christmas. Lucky me, I get to work New Year's Eve and New Year's Day as well. Punks.
I got fourth place on the Herbalife Challenge, having lost 11.25 inches in six weeks, along with 10.6 LBS. That meant I won $61 which all ended up going to my parents with the exception of four dollars. That's right. As soon as I have money, my parents we all, can I borrow this, can I borrow that. It's frustrating. I'll never save up enough money to get the hell out of there.
I have driving my car again since it is now officially legal, which means $60 on gas a month and $50 for insurance. Grrr. It seems that as soon as I make money, I lose money. Of course, being that I owe everyone and their mother, no surprise there.
Enough of the whinning, let's start counting the blessings for this year.
1. My mother -she's taken me in and hasn't asked to pay rent or bills although I do because her monthly SS check can't quite stretch
2. My brother -he's in Iraq, risking life and limb to secure the freedom that I am able to take for granted here in the good old US of A
3. My Becca -for keeping me sane through phone calls and letters. If it weren't for her, I would start believing that college never happened and either I had an extremely good imagination or schizophrenia
4. My Jaden -for reminding me about the simple things in life and how they are supposed to be enjoyed simply for the sake of enjoyment
5 My stepdad -for balancing my life by throwing in the crap that helps me figure out how to deal with conflict and how to survive verbal BS thrown my way
6. My Stephen -for making me laugh as he points out that I might as well be living out of the city with the amount of time we spend with each other, which is minimal
7. My Krysia -for listening to me talk about the nonsense that is my life, along with gripping about work, and for being a great friend that I hadn't anticipated...and for the amazing dinners
8. Pastor Heimer -for the many free meals, the great theological conversations, and the helping hand when I really need it
9. For Rossie -I couldn't have a better co-worker, helping me when I need help, encouraging me to keep going, and all around laughter
10. For God -although last, not the least. In fact, without him, all the previous blessings wouldn't exist. He has held on to me even when I let go of him, He's been constantly there even when I walk away, He's seeing me even when I hide.
Alright, I better get going now. Merry Christmas Y'all!!!
PS. I now wear size sixteen jeans. Awesomeness, uh?