Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skipped a month!

I've been crazy busy and just haven't taken the time to update the blog. My apologies.

So how's life been treating me?

Well, let's far, I've ran a total of thirty six miles....330 more miles to go to complete one of my goals from my last post.

I went on three consecutive dates with the same guy (inadvertantly completing another goal on my list on that last post) and learned a hard lesson that has brought me to a new point in my life -growing in intimacy with my One True Love.

I also got myself a new truck!!! I love my her my little girl.

Let's see, what else...I've sold my ten seasons of FRIENDS, purged my library of smut books, have started studying intimacy and what it's about and how it relates to my life.

I've started seeking new authors to read -looks like I'm going to be picking up crime novels now instead of romance and smut...I look forward to the change, believe it or not.

I'm no longer doing on-line dating -in fact, I closed out my dating site accounts.

I've found a mentor in my pastor's wife as I figure out things about myself, God and relationships.

I am still running -in fact, I'm at two and a half miles now.

Oh, right. I started the year at 235 and am now at 229...six pounds down, fifty four more to go.

I'm taking my LSATs this Saturday morning and feel fine about that.

Well, gotta go sleep...leaving you with a picture of me and my baby!

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