Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Updates All Of October?

Shame on me.

How has life been going for me you must be wondering, in case you're one of those diligent readers of my blog...I don't even know if there are any out there.

Well, updates for month of October...back to working out again, I'm on week two, day two of INSANITY. Have already lost the first two pounds and still have sixteen more to go before the year is over.

My goal is to be at 220LBS by midnight of Dec. 31st. This means two pounds a week, starting last week.

Work has been uneventful. Still working the occasional crazy hours, like today...I don't go in until two in the morning.

I've had to replace two tires on my car thanks to a nail in the street.

I've been teaching Sunday school but this past Sunday had to stay home due to a sour stomach...being that I didn't eat until the next morning, it took that long for it to abate.

Also, had to work Halloween night and since they allowed us to dress up...

As you can see, I dressed up as a pirate. I lasted nine hours of the twelve before I had to take the boots off and loosen the corset.

I definitely looked better this Halloween than the last time I dressed up, which was two years ago.

Wanna see?

So do you see the difference that I see?

Well, enough is enough. Time to eat and rest before heading to work at the indecent hour of two in the freaking morning.

Adios to everyone and Hasta Luego!

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