Saturday, September 17, 2011

Another Two Miles

And this time, I did it in ten minutes less than last week.

Met with Maili this morning to go running...she's starting to take over the role of my personal trainer...unpaid but still effective.

Last week, I did two miles in fifty minutes...walking, running, jogging, sprinting, running backwards, running sideways, and lunges...all in fifty minutes.

Today, I ran a total of a mile, not consecutively but a combination of running, jogging and sprinting, not to mention running backwards and sideways...we finished our two miles in forty minutes.

Next week, I aim for thirty to thirty five minutes and plan on running more...

It's truly amazing to me that I can actually do this...a year ago, I would have been on the floor with an asthma attack after running 1/4 of a it only takes two minutes to be able to run again...

I have, indeed, improved.

Good thing there's still more need for improvement otherwise I wouldn't know what to do with myself!

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