Friday, September 16, 2011

The Bassinet List

Recently, due to SO MANY friends getting married and HAVING BABIES, not to mention working post-partum and being used (at my suggestion) as a newborn-sitter, I've been hearing my biological clock ticking away, getting louder and louder with every tick.


The tick is usually followed by a how hard could it be to get pregnant?

Then the tock is followed by a not without being married.

The next tick is followed by a single parenthood isn't all that bad. My mom did it and look how good all her three kids tuned out (err...maybe rethink that one)

The next tock is followed by a don't want to be a single mother unless it is inevitable, such as divorce (no plans on that) or widowhood...or, God forbid, the nightmare of every woman actually happens to me.

Basically, I've changed the ring tone to my biological clock, which is driving me crazy. Now, it loudly chimes


So how to deal with this aching need to have a baby, to be a mother? I mean, here I am soon to be twenty eight and I'm nowhere near having a child...

I don't want to get so damn desperate I end doing something artificial insemination (I would then join the ranks of virgin mothers) or even worst and life altering, a one night stand (which does not guarantee a pregnancy).

I know, thoughts are insane but that's I think I may have found a solution to my damn chiming biological clock...

The Bassinet List...a list of things I want to do before motherhood forces me to throw them all out the window.

1) Get down to my healthy weight of 155 lbs by my thirtieth birthday (I have two years and seventy eight pounds to go)

2) Go skydiving (I give myself permission to back out once I am in the plane looking down)

3) Visit Italy (this I want to do alone or with someone special because children will just make it hard to enjoy it all)

4) Go to law school

5) Practice law

6) Buy and own my own car

7) A high paying job

8) Ride a motorcycle down Route 66

9) Visit New York

10) Complete and Publish a book

11) Wear an actual little black dress...with red high heels

12) Go on a few dates, break a couple of hearts

13) Meet the one guy that makes me want to strangle him and kiss him at the same time

14) Fall in love

15) Plan the wedding of my dreams (it involves the outdoors, TONS of flowers, and down home country food)

16) Enjoy my best friend/husband/lover for a while

17) Share the news and joy of a pregnancy

18) Work with my husband and daddy to be to set up a nursery

19) Survive the labor

And twenty would be the end of my bassinet list -hold my own baby in my arms as I look into it's eyes and realize...I've never loved like this before.

In the end, I pray that God's plans help me hang in there so that I may be able to fulfill my list...and do it all to His Glory and His Glory alone.

He knows my wants, my needs, my desires...I just have to remember that patience is His calling for me...because I will be brought forth to a time such as this...

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