Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skipped a month!

I've been crazy busy and just haven't taken the time to update the blog. My apologies.

So how's life been treating me?

Well, let's far, I've ran a total of thirty six miles....330 more miles to go to complete one of my goals from my last post.

I went on three consecutive dates with the same guy (inadvertantly completing another goal on my list on that last post) and learned a hard lesson that has brought me to a new point in my life -growing in intimacy with my One True Love.

I also got myself a new truck!!! I love my her my little girl.

Let's see, what else...I've sold my ten seasons of FRIENDS, purged my library of smut books, have started studying intimacy and what it's about and how it relates to my life.

I've started seeking new authors to read -looks like I'm going to be picking up crime novels now instead of romance and smut...I look forward to the change, believe it or not.

I'm no longer doing on-line dating -in fact, I closed out my dating site accounts.

I've found a mentor in my pastor's wife as I figure out things about myself, God and relationships.

I am still running -in fact, I'm at two and a half miles now.

Oh, right. I started the year at 235 and am now at 229...six pounds down, fifty four more to go.

I'm taking my LSATs this Saturday morning and feel fine about that.

Well, gotta go sleep...leaving you with a picture of me and my baby!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Almost Over

The year is almost over!!!

So what big milestones have occurred in my life for the year 2011?

Let's see...

I lost forty pounds
I dropped three sizes
I fell hard for a guy and had my heart bruised
I learned even I can believe stupid lies
I stayed in the same job past the one year mark
I have written thousands of words for several stories
I have ran a total of thirty miles for the year
I have exercised for over 5,000+ minutes
I have lost a car
I have changed a tire
I have gone on my first date
I have acquired twenty pairs of shoes, among them four pairs of boots
I have ice skated successfully
I have driven a smoking car ready to set on fire
I have taught Sunday school without any major catastrophes
I have read thirty books
I have been on facebook almost every day

I can no longer think of anything more, my brain is rung dry...any additions?

For the New Year:

Forty pounds
Two-three sizes
366 miles (one per day)
New running shoes
5K marathon or the Transmountain Marathon in October
Boxing classes
Pole Dancing
At least three dates (with the same guy or three different guys)
Red high Heels
Little Black Dress

Monday, December 5, 2011


Rescheduled them for was a good move, if I must say so myself.

Went to a work party on Friday night and spend it was great. I've slept all three nights through and being that tonight is my last night off, I'm slightly concerned about having to re-set my schedule once I head back to work Tuesday night.

I've gotten back to the gym since it's too cold to do INSANITY outside and my room is too small to do it in here. So back to the treadmill and other cardio machines.

My new goal, for whatever is left of the year, is to get down to 235LBS. If I can achieve that during the holiday season, then I am set for the new year.

I'm amazed that I actually accomplished one of my 2010 new year resolutions for this year that is almost to an end. I made the resolution to loose thirty pounds and I have...amazing to see that I have it in me to push myself, even after being fallow and lazy for two and a half weeks thanks to a throat/sinus/ear infection.

Well, nothing much new to update.

Next year, I plan to loose up to forty pounds, more if possible. I will also complete my first book, search for an agent and have it published.

I will be a bridesmaid at a wedding in Floresville in August and God willing, will be joining the NAVY in November/December 2012 or if still needing to loose more weight and get fit, joining in January/February 2013.

Not to mention the LSATs in February 11,2012.

I cannot believe that we are almost done with this year, I will be 28, hitting my ten year high school graduation anniversary and will still be single...

I think I'm okay with that...I think.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Updates All Of October?

Shame on me.

How has life been going for me you must be wondering, in case you're one of those diligent readers of my blog...I don't even know if there are any out there.

Well, updates for month of October...back to working out again, I'm on week two, day two of INSANITY. Have already lost the first two pounds and still have sixteen more to go before the year is over.

My goal is to be at 220LBS by midnight of Dec. 31st. This means two pounds a week, starting last week.

Work has been uneventful. Still working the occasional crazy hours, like today...I don't go in until two in the morning.

I've had to replace two tires on my car thanks to a nail in the street.

I've been teaching Sunday school but this past Sunday had to stay home due to a sour stomach...being that I didn't eat until the next morning, it took that long for it to abate.

Also, had to work Halloween night and since they allowed us to dress up...

As you can see, I dressed up as a pirate. I lasted nine hours of the twelve before I had to take the boots off and loosen the corset.

I definitely looked better this Halloween than the last time I dressed up, which was two years ago.

Wanna see?

So do you see the difference that I see?

Well, enough is enough. Time to eat and rest before heading to work at the indecent hour of two in the freaking morning.

Adios to everyone and Hasta Luego!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Another Two Miles

And this time, I did it in ten minutes less than last week.

Met with Maili this morning to go running...she's starting to take over the role of my personal trainer...unpaid but still effective.

Last week, I did two miles in fifty minutes...walking, running, jogging, sprinting, running backwards, running sideways, and lunges...all in fifty minutes.

Today, I ran a total of a mile, not consecutively but a combination of running, jogging and sprinting, not to mention running backwards and sideways...we finished our two miles in forty minutes.

Next week, I aim for thirty to thirty five minutes and plan on running more...

It's truly amazing to me that I can actually do this...a year ago, I would have been on the floor with an asthma attack after running 1/4 of a it only takes two minutes to be able to run again...

I have, indeed, improved.

Good thing there's still more need for improvement otherwise I wouldn't know what to do with myself!

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Bassinet List

Recently, due to SO MANY friends getting married and HAVING BABIES, not to mention working post-partum and being used (at my suggestion) as a newborn-sitter, I've been hearing my biological clock ticking away, getting louder and louder with every tick.


The tick is usually followed by a how hard could it be to get pregnant?

Then the tock is followed by a not without being married.

The next tick is followed by a single parenthood isn't all that bad. My mom did it and look how good all her three kids tuned out (err...maybe rethink that one)

The next tock is followed by a don't want to be a single mother unless it is inevitable, such as divorce (no plans on that) or widowhood...or, God forbid, the nightmare of every woman actually happens to me.

Basically, I've changed the ring tone to my biological clock, which is driving me crazy. Now, it loudly chimes


So how to deal with this aching need to have a baby, to be a mother? I mean, here I am soon to be twenty eight and I'm nowhere near having a child...

I don't want to get so damn desperate I end doing something artificial insemination (I would then join the ranks of virgin mothers) or even worst and life altering, a one night stand (which does not guarantee a pregnancy).

I know, thoughts are insane but that's I think I may have found a solution to my damn chiming biological clock...

The Bassinet List...a list of things I want to do before motherhood forces me to throw them all out the window.

1) Get down to my healthy weight of 155 lbs by my thirtieth birthday (I have two years and seventy eight pounds to go)

2) Go skydiving (I give myself permission to back out once I am in the plane looking down)

3) Visit Italy (this I want to do alone or with someone special because children will just make it hard to enjoy it all)

4) Go to law school

5) Practice law

6) Buy and own my own car

7) A high paying job

8) Ride a motorcycle down Route 66

9) Visit New York

10) Complete and Publish a book

11) Wear an actual little black dress...with red high heels

12) Go on a few dates, break a couple of hearts

13) Meet the one guy that makes me want to strangle him and kiss him at the same time

14) Fall in love

15) Plan the wedding of my dreams (it involves the outdoors, TONS of flowers, and down home country food)

16) Enjoy my best friend/husband/lover for a while

17) Share the news and joy of a pregnancy

18) Work with my husband and daddy to be to set up a nursery

19) Survive the labor

And twenty would be the end of my bassinet list -hold my own baby in my arms as I look into it's eyes and realize...I've never loved like this before.

In the end, I pray that God's plans help me hang in there so that I may be able to fulfill my list...and do it all to His Glory and His Glory alone.

He knows my wants, my needs, my desires...I just have to remember that patience is His calling for me...because I will be brought forth to a time such as this...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Two Miles

Yesterday morning, after work, I headed to a friend's house so we could go running, being that Stephen was heading to Ruidoso that morning and leaving me running buddy-less.

I must say, it was a decision made at the spur of the moment and it ended up being a milestone never reached before...

I ran about three-fourths of a mile, this includes sprinting and slow jogging.

I also did lunges, ran backwards to work out my calves and then ran sideways which works inner thighs...

The rest I walked, trying to catch my breath and keep my sides from splitting open...know what I mean?

It all added up to two miles. I've never done two miles of anything...

It made me realize that I still have a lot in me to dig into...I still have more determination and dedication and discipline that what I am using at the moment or even of what I'm aware of having.

I am sore, hurting from the sole of my feet to my shoulders...but I still went running this morning after work and want to do it again tomorrow morning...the factor working against me would be having to wake up early to do it...I guess we'll have to see.

Intriguing to find out that there's so much about yourself that even you don't know.

As I slowly shed the weight, it seems that I am also slowly discovering who I really am...or perhaps I'll still be the same person I've always been...just healthier and better looking.

Ha! With time, I suppose.