Thursday, January 21, 2010

Not About Me

I spoke to my brother today. It's been a while since he calls everytime he has the chance.

I think I have shared that my brother, a 21 year old Army soldier, is on his second tour in Iraq. According to the news, and my brother, Iraq is not the place to be at the time. And especially not in my brother's brigade.

I will not divulge information that he may think should be kept in the family, but I am asking for your prayers for his safety as well as the safety of his fellow soldiers.

Keep our military in your prayers. They are risking alot to assure that we live a life of freedom and peace.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The New Year is Here!!!

Happy New Year to All of Ya!!!

I am excited to be starting this new year with 58 pounds less and two sizes smaller.

Of course, I am doing my best not to become obssessed with my weight and to simply enjoy getting healthy. So my next step is working out to getting toned and trimmed.

So far, I have started working out twice a week and have just recently bought ankle weights that I plan to wear to work every night so I can start working out my leg muscles.

Now, I am working on updating my resume so I can start applying to other places. With any luck, I can find a better paying job at a hospital. That's what I want.

Well, now that I think about it, I don't have anything new to update. I guess that means until later.