Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Updates of Life

As most of you have read my constant writing of not much to update, I hate repeating myself but...

There's really not much to update.

Let's brother has been back in Iraq coming on two weeks this coming Monday and I miss him like crazy. I left work ten minutes early that Monday morning so I could go to the airport...and as a pre-emptive move to my stepdad's no, I gave him the keys so he could drive my car.

My brother had breakfast at the airport while we watched (okay, i snitched some of his hashbrowns and a bite of his breakfast sandwhich) then we watched him leave after the good-byes.

He never looked back and we stayed until we could no longer see him up in the security line (which is on the second floor). It hit me then, why seeing your soldier leave is so painful.

It's the aching hope that the good-bye will soon become a welcome home.

Other updates are...

I have a new laptop, curtesy of my brother. Thank you lil bro!

I found out (via internet...AGAIN) that my favorite people are going to be having a little girl, which means must get started on the blanket so I can finish it by December, when said child is supposed to be born.

I am on chapter four of my study book, which is right on scheduled as planned.

My fee waivers came through, which means my $136 test scheduled this December is free, along with a second one in a two year period.

I closed out my account at Chase and opened a new one at BOA.

I finally closed all the business with my traffic ticket, so no arrest warrant for me.

And nothing much else to tell.

Everyone enjoy your day!