Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ice Cubes

As I sit here in front of my fan, which is blowing nothing but hot air, and cursing the broken air conditioner (I got the fan the day before my air conditioner up and quit on that what's called irony? I don't like it) and bugs that won't allow me to have my windows open (I had them opened yesterday and as I was reading on my bed, a huge black cricket walked by me and I screamed like a banshee...I was able to take it back outside where it belonged by using an envelope and the emptied band-aid box), I start think of how simple it would be if I were an ice cube.

With this heat, I would slowly melt but I would still remain cold until I become a little cold puddle in the ground that would quickly evaporate and would no longer be in agony. Melting definitely sounds like a dream come true because, at the least, the misery of being hot would have an end.

Instead, I am fresh out of a cold shower and I can feel the heat all around me despite the fan being on high. Even though girls supposedly don't sweat (we perspire) I can tell you right now that is not true. I'm so miserable that I haven't even eaten today for two reasons:

1) I would have to turn on the stove if I wanted to cook something
2) I would have to walk into the hot kitchen/living room to make a sandwich and it is so not worth it

So here I am, melting away in ounces and inches, looking forward to going to my job tomorrow. With a bit of prayer, they'll have the air conditioner fixed by the time I get home from the Methodist Children's Home.

I am so hot I am missing Oklahoma's Ice Storm...and to be honest, I would rather be cold than hot. With cold, you can just pile on the layers...with hot, well, there's only so much you can take off without it being absolutely indecent!