Saturday, May 30, 2009

RAWR -That's "I Love You" In Dinasour

It has been a crazy week and few days or so. First of all, no car. My CV joint broke after my balljoint popped out of place so I am without the freedom a vehicle can give. The good thing is that I am using the always reliable Mexican mode of transportation -my two feet.

So I got to spend a day with Jaden to get my J-Fix before he took off to Albuquerque with his parents for the weekend. I tell you, that kid gets smarter and funnier and cuter and sillier every day that passes. We went to Applebee's for dinner and while we sat there and ate, every once in a while, Jaden would throw his arms up into the air and with a big smile start wiggling around...much like a rockstar two hand wave -or a running for president type of wave thingy. It would have been funny if I had gotten him on video but I didn't have my camera with me.

He now knows a new song, which I will record him doing as soon as I am able to.

Alright, aside from my Jaden obsession, other good stuff has happened. Rain and thunderstorms with amazing lightning shows but that's not the best part -

My little brother's in town!!!! He's the one I got the title for this blog from -it's the screen saver on his phone. Anyway, that kid is still short (only three inches taller than me) but I swear to all that's hot and dusty he's gotten buffer since the last time I saw him. His shoulders and arms are least to me, since I have a hard time seeing him as something other than the scrawny kid he used to be when I took off for college.

I'll put up pictures of his time here so that you can enjoy my days with me. Oh, Krysia and Stephen, Ray is looking forward to seeing Jaden. Dinner with you sometime this week so Ray can see him in his environment?

Anything else new? OH! I now have a Nano iPod thanks to my little brother. He just handed it over to me last night and now I've got about 200 of my fav songs uploaded into it, which is cool for when I have to travel from place to place on my Mexican mode of transportation.

Well, everybody - RAWR!

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