Saturday, March 5, 2011

Noodle Legs!

One week down! I am rocking!

Tomorrow is weigh day...we'll get to see what one week has done.

Now, I have to step it up...and educate myself on healthy grocery shopping and eating.

Today, I bought new sneakers...they actually give me high arch support, something that I have never been able to get no matter how much the shoe promised it. It's absolutely great!

I also bought some vitamins at Vitamin World (we were there to buy mom's vitamins which help her with her fibromialgia) called Lipo 6 Black. I take one thirty minutes before working out. It's supposed to help burn fat...we shall see if it helps...all with time.

I actually did one week! I am still amazed!

Even more amazing is that I am enjoying myself, feeling more energetic, sleeping wonderfully and looking forward to working out.

Now I need to set myself a eating schedule...and I need to buy groceries for me in mind.

But the problem is that I don't know how to shop healthy or how to set a menu...especially because I eat my three meals and two snacks during the night on the night's that I what to do?


Six days! With one day rest in between. I actually finished the first week!

Goal for week two...step it up a notch on the cardio...accomplish five to ten percent more of the workouts.

Second Educate, buy, eat.

Tomorrow morning at 6:30AM, weigh in time...we shall see what a difference a week can make?

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