Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waste of Money


I'm clotting the right amount, do not have anemia, my WBC (White Blood Cell Count) is within normal limits, my thyroid is doing it's thing the way it's supposed to, my kidneys are functioning properly, my EKG is normal....

The only thing that's wrong is a bit of a high cholesterol. My good cholesterol is in the right level but both my tri-cholesterol and LDL cholesterol are a bit high...the first is at 206 when it should be 150 or lower and the second is at 130 which is the boundary line for cholesterol.

Oh, as for my nosebleeds...dry mucus lining so I've been prescribed a nasal spray. I think I might also look into getting a humidifier for my room and see if that helps.

Won't be seeing the doctor until June...yay!

Oh, and at that time, we'll also see how my cholesterol is doing...will have to remember to schedule my labs two weeks before my appointment.

As for today, it is rest day. So I plan on washing my car after I get some more sleep. And then go for a walk...that will be good, yes, yes, it would.

Adios and hasta luego!

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